Thursday, January 14, 2010

Real Deal OatMeal

A friend is struggling with getting real oatmeal to its proper consist-
ency; thus, I'm sharing, in case the problem exists for others. The key is to use a large (7" in my demo) bowl and an under-plate. That way, if the phone rings during the last minute of nuking time, you're covered! Ideally, watch it! Just mix together and nuke on high for
3-1/2 minutes (your microwave will dicate time):

3/4 cup Old Fashioned Oats at 225 cal.
1-1/4 cups water
1 teaspoon pure maple syrup at 30 cal.
1/2 large apple (or 1 small) 50 cal.

Less water than the box recipe calls for allows this to bubble a bit, without spilling over; this cooks your thinly sliced apples. If it's too thick, add a drop of water or skimmed milk, upon completion. I top with more cinnamon, a calorie-free bonus; go for a tad more syrup, if you need it sweeter.

Remember... anything goes... "Real Deal" recipes cry for creativity; so, use your favorite ingredients.

Eat HEART-y for only 305 calories!