Sunday, May 15, 2011

"Blue Valentine"

If it's action you're looking for, skip this one. But if steamy is your preference, here ya go. For the first half of the film, Joe kept saying, "It's like watching grass grow." Yet he remained glued to see what happened next. Why? Fantastic, emotional, sexy performances were turned in by Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams; and...

 The story is a somewhat realistic one, about love going south as a marriage disintegrated. Relationships. Can't be one sided. It's especially painful when it's not a two-hearted descent to being out of love.

In the end, Joe gave it a very decent 'six' ("Or, did I say a 'seven'?" he queried.) This on a scale wherein 'ten' is the best. I agreed with his call, overall; but I think that the acting deserves 'tens', as does the musical score.

And guess what? There were a few things to analyze and comment on, when the movie ended. That's worth an 'eight', in its own right.