Thursday, September 8, 2011


It will be a year on Christmas (thanks, Joe) since I've had my iPad. It's addictive. Ever-changing. A lot to learn. A toy? Perhaps more accurately a toy store. And a library. An encyclopedia (remembering when a set took two dusty shelves). A map. A photoshop. A word processor. An iPod. Always Scrabble. A TV. A djembe drum (no kidding). A language school. No, a grad school. An arcade. The list goes on and on.

KidGrands love art applications, as does G'ma. Read the reviews and pay attention to them. Watch for sales. No joke. I purchased a coveted one for a fraction of its cost... a "Back-To-School Special". And they love games. A time allotment is mandatory. Hunter knows when to ask, or not... very respectful. Loves my favorite game, Scrabble (my first version at ten years old... Christmas), as well as Angry Birds and...
Did you know that Pac-Man is alive and well? I remember so vividly another Christmas-gone-by, when Uncle Ronnie gifted Brian and Christian their first game, with some tongue-in-cheek comment about how much I'd love the noise. :-) The Man is aging like a fine wine. You, too, Ron.

Before you give it up for coloring and play, though, invest sixteen smackaroos in a ZAGG shield for your screen. Sure, it wrecks the display a tad... but you'll be worry-free, when it comes to destructive scratches from precious little fingers.

Last night, I learned how to create files. Organize those apps. Ah, that's better. 

Discipline is crucial. I pick mine up in the evenings, when it's TV time. You know me... can't just watch. So, I'm okay with playing or reading my current iBook, at that hour. In other words, I multitask; otherwise, it would gobble me up... Pac-Man.