Tuesday, December 17, 2013

SNOW DAY [again]

iPhone Photo by Nicki - "CMI's Guest Blogger"
Hi, this is Aubs… ANOTHER SNOW DAY!!! I hope there will be no school tomorrow… so everybody… put your pjs on inside-out and backwards and dance around your fridge! One thing I like about a snow day is NO work to do and NO homework. I also like to sleep in on snow days… WHO DOESNT? 
iPhone Photo by Aubs - "Another Snow Day!"       
 I am so happy I can blog again. Maybe one day I will have my own blog. It will be all about One Direction and how cute the boys are…. it will also be about how cute dogs are. Well, it will be about EVERYTHING.
iPhone Photo by Kelly - "Freedom Ride for Zeus"
 I HAVE BIG NEWS… I GOT A NEW DOG. He is so cute. He is 2 years old and bigger than my other dog Miley who is 4. We went to so many different places to find a dog that is nice and cute… we really liked this one dog named Homer, but he was way too big for Miley. So we got Zeus. I love dogs.