Friday, January 20, 2012

Apple Crisps... Or Not

The intent was to make crispy apple slices for Aubs and Gav to snack on. But when Little Missy came bounding in, she said, "Ooooh, I smell apple pie." The fruit was only midway to dry and kind of gushy, but out of the slow, 
250-degree oven they came, to be devoured by the fistful, in all their cinnamon-y glory.

Since then, I've purchased a neat little gizmo for twenty bucks and have discovered that according to oven temps/times and slice-thickness, results can range from soft... to leathery (like dried apricots)... to crispy-dry (like potato chips). All are delicious. Please note that drying time continues if left in oven after turning off.

Prior to baking, don't forget to sprinkle liberally with cinnamon;  its health benefits are endless. We all know it to be an antioxidant... in addition, diabetes sufferers should be consuming it regularly. Please link above.

Yes, I'm cooking a lot, this January. Let me know when y'all are sick of recipes. 
Meanwhile, Buon Appetito. :-)