Saturday, February 25, 2012

So, What's The Game?

Every waking moment for a child is a learning experience. They are like little sponges. Even Wii games and activities offer so much more than this adult imagined.

Consider the orchestration that accompanies the action. Musical CD's are provided for certain games... and not a lyric tells the story. With just one comment about the instrumental sounds and what they reminded me of... water, action, etc... Gavin began a new game. 

"G'ma, what do you memorize imagine here?" 

He, of course, knows exactly what the corresponding action is in Mario's world. "Yes!" and "No!" became his excited responses to my guesses, followed by discussions of how incredible it is to comprehend without words. With the score truly memorized, he chose songs from the CD jacket, as we pursued the newly invented game. Aubs cheered us on, confirming Gav's interpretations. Brilliant. I'm so pleased that they truly hear the music.