Tuesday, February 7, 2012


So, is Words the new matchmaker of the Internet? Yesterday, a survey of somewhat suggestive questions popped up on its screen. 

Do you flirt when playing? 
Do you share personal information?
Would you date a Word opponent?
Nowadays, do you give your game ID rather than a phone #, when socializing?
Do you lighten up when you're whooping someone, if interested in a match of another variety?

And so it goes, and so it goes. I must confess that....

1. Some guy with a macho handle resigned on me when I didn't provide message-requested info regarding hometown, age and gender... wouldn't he have been surprisedAnd...

2. I've played multiple rematches with one particular player for weeks now, always at his invitation. We've never messaged, but do participate in killer-close games of War Of Roses Words. Um, you know what I mean. 
Does this practice constitute guilty pleasure? Whatever.

I skipped the survey. And I don't play anyone named zyngawf#.
The creator-issued-name-with-number is for those FB players and others who want no identity. Or, maybe they are bots, playing computer-generated matches? Who knows. It's a wild cyber world. Still...

Here's to Yentl.
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, make me a match...