Sunday, August 12, 2012

Call Of The Wild

Have you noticed the shorter days? During July, Joe and I enjoyed well lit, leisurely games of 500 Rummy till nine p.m. Last night, the last orange rays of sun were setting behind the trees to our west at eight. OuchNot to worry, though... we finished killer-cards in the dark. We noticed that as soon as darkness descended, the Hummers stopped feeding and the Cardinals began chirping loudly. When noisy crickets joined the ensemble, Joe commented, "It's eerie out here." I concurred. 
Weekend meals al fresco afforded opportunities to confirm a headcount of at least a dozen different Hummers. Quite often we'd notice a few on the feeders, when looking from inside out. Then, as soon as we opened the slider, they'd swarm from nowhere and flit about, almost within reach. How interesting to go from a rare sighting to this amazing phenomenon. I read online that from mid-August through departure time in September, these little acrobats gorge themselves with available food, often guarding what they consider to be personal territory. It's true! They perch and protect. As a matter of fact, we have a possessive Mister in our midst. Ah, finally a bird to demonstrate why they are called Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds. Jeesh, what shall we do when forced indoors? Ya think a parakeet is in order? :-)
Moving from our Stacey yard to the lake, we took the kayak out to once again explore the distant marshes. They are intriguing. We startled a Heron out of thick water grasses, but NIK was at home. I carried my mini camera, though, allowing a few shots while freeing me to help paddle. I'm impressed by the great workout Joe's been getting. It's about time I earned my keep, eh? 

A gorgeous weekend to enjoy the call of the wild. 
Giving thanks.