Saturday, March 14, 2009

Konrad's Peas & Other Extraordinary Veggies

While awaiting warmth to allow outdoor planting, we have found that an indoor garden can thrive, especially when it is fed with cross-continental love.  Yes, it can. These veggies are very special, as they were started from seeds that were gifts of love from a friend across the pond. Beans are climbing; Konrad's peas are gaining strength; and tomatoes, peppers, flowers and pumpkins have second sets of leaves.  But the real story lies in the long-distance sharing of the love of gardening and nature...all the while nurturing a special friendship.  My friend, with English as her second language, says it much better, though.  So much charm is added to the story, as she embellishes it with her special touch; unedited: 
Hiya Nicki,
here is the story from that sugar pea seeds so that you can be sure to have a very special sort of peas on your plate later in the year:
 I ate my first sugar peas from Guido's Mum and it was so delicious. The plants where as high as a knee.
2 years ago I talk about that peas to very very lovely neighbours and they said, that they also have sugar peas. The neighbours are the parents from my neighbour pal Gerda - Konrad and Adele, both are in the 80th and where farmers all live. They still have such a wonderful veggie-garden all the year, simply wonderful. And Konrad gave me seeds from their sugar peas - also 2 years ago and told me this: these sugar peas are such an old species that seeds are not available in shops. (Because of this lovely neighbour we call it Konrad-peas ha ha ha.) The new ones are only growing as high as knees, but the old peas are growing 2 meters high. The only thing that never has to happen is, that the plants fall from rain or storm - it's killed then. So give it something to climb and tie a bit.
Rose took a pic from me the other year. It's not the best photo because it was late eve, but I try to find it and send it to you in a few minutes.
 I must take some pics from my tomatos and peppers this weekend and send you also.
 Ohhh Nicki, I love so much to see your first success and I can't wait to share lovely recepies soon
 XXX and giant hugs"