Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tend Your Fires!

So, you think women do all the talking, do you? Well, please read on:

In an attempt to burn a communal mess on our lovely cul-de-sac, Joe and the neighbor barged ahead. Problem is, all that chat about deer hunting, fishing, skiing, the economy, local politics and health issues got in the way of success. The fire dwindled. The guys realized it as a good thing, because right above the site were the electrical and cable wires that feed our neighborhood.  Ah, yes; the smell of burning wire casing......'twould have been lover-ly.

Yesterday, Joe tackled the mess single-handedly (the neighbor was too busy tending yet another fire on his own property), first moving the pile of debris. The fire raged; success. As it dwindled into the night, putting itself out, we looked outside to see fire engines with glaring lights on the hill. Seems we had an "unattended fire" (not true, as Joe was trotting out there every half hour). But another neighbor, unaware of our kindly clean-up attempts, came home late to find flames lighting her way.....and she called 911. 

If my Fireman Son-Sun is reading, he'll be very proud (role reversal here) to know that Dad had a burning permit....

Lesson here? Tend your fires and enjoy some Sunday Sun.