Friday, March 13, 2009


If you suffer from the above named phobia, you are probably home in your jammies and have no intention whatsoever of leaving that safe (you hope!) environment.  So, maybe you'll swing by this blog and find some empathy.

In researching this day of superstitions, I sought some humorous anecdote to impart to the two Birthday Girls mentioned earlier......certainly enhancers in my life, making today a lucky day of celebration!  Instead, I found the unpronounceable name of an actual phobia - a fear of this day in particular - and lots of 'sticious stories.  (pvonesch, I hope you are a guest today)  So many sufferers exist; I had no idea.  To compound the issue, in this year 2009, there are three such occasions:  February Friday the 13th; today, March Friday the 13th; and one yet to come, November Friday the 13th.  How debilitating for those afflicted.

No humor here:  IsItReal?

Ah, Cyberspace affords one such an incredible opportunity to learn something new every day, eh?   Good Friday to you!