Thursday, July 5, 2012

Real Time

Yesterday morning, after a power outage that lasted just long enough to send our clocks awry, I went about readjusting times. This morning, I awakened to birdsongs. Our bedside clock read 5:55 a.m.
"Good Morning, World," said I, as I opened up the downstairs and spotted the orange ball, beyond summertime's thick cocoon of foliage. Nik and I went out to shoot a few. Sunrises, sunsets and fresh blooms just never get old, each uniquely new and exciting to behold.
Next step, a cuppa and a glance at the clock... 5:45 a.m. Oops, it seems I made an error. It's now truly 5:55 a.m. - real time

Happy Loooong Summer Day.