Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"The Newsroom" - HBO

Yvonne recommended this show to us, after its debut. We caught up with the first episode, on demand, and have stuck with the fast-paced series, ever since. There is no playing WORDS or multitasking during the hour-long show. Intensely sharp dialogue goes hand in hand with the story of an aggressive anchor in a fictitious cable newsroom. To emphasize that fiction is based on fact, real news footage is often incorporated. Underlying romantic storylines are abundant. And it helps if your political views are in left-wing alignment with the show's creator, Aaron Sorkin. Oh, and when a certain actress appeared on the scene, we were not sure if "it was" or "it wasn't" a blast from the past. Extensive plastic surgery sure does change one's appearance!

"More as this story develops..."