Friday, December 31, 2010

A Soaring Au Revoir To 2010

Something wonderful needs to be shared. When Vicki surprised us with a holiday visit, we seized the opportunity to visit the Rio to see the wintering eagles. She had never witnessed one in the wild. 
The Rulers Of The Sky did not disappoint. We quickly spotted a couple of mature Baldies who seemed to take cue upon our arrival and begin to hunt. What an air show! Such a display is not always a given, but it was dinnertime and we got lucky. Vicki was duly awestruck. I do believe that she shall take to her studies of Native American spirituality a better understanding of exactly why a single feather from Baldy is such a revered gift. 

Photos and the written word simply cannot afford one a proper grasp of the humility felt upon communing with such majesty, where sky meets water and trees, under the brilliance of Old Sol. One just has to believe.

A beautiful day. A grand almost-finale to 2010. We love you, Sweetie. We'll find you that feather. Meanwhile, SERENITY NOW.