Saturday, December 10, 2011

Gifts From The Hawt ♡

Last week, Gav discovered a tree ornament he especially likes. It's "a hawt," as he says in his cute little way. It opens to reveal a winter scene; thus the enchantment. When he arrived yesterday, he raced to the tree, exclaiming, "I have to open the hawt." I followed to watch his total focus on the bauble. And then... 

He glanced downwards, emitting a loud, gleeful shriek, as he spotted newly wrapped packages. HilariousAh, grandparents do have an advantage over Santa.
After a fun time of creating gifts for teachers, the kids and Bri left via the back door, with a G'pa escort. Meanwhile, I went to the front, ready to flash outside lights, our I'm-watching-and-waving signal. Suddenly, Gramps and Gav came racing through the house. Gav had forgotten to give me a poem.
He quickly read it to me, and with a twinkle in his eye said, "It MELTED, G'ma!And my hawt melted, too. 