We're gearing up for some serious R & R, by way of an OBX vacation. Nonetheless, Joe declared yesterday to be a holiday, and we went exploring. Drive-and-discover adventures have been a part of our repertoire since our dating days, way back when we were teenagers; it seems like just yesterday. My Guy picked a winner of a day, as the weather could not have been more perfect - a dry 62 degrees, with brilliant sunshine, blue skies and fluffy, white cumulus clouds. Squisito.
There is never a clear-cut plan for such excursions in our gorgeous neck of the woods. We traveled "over the mountain" in a direction that we are more familiar with in the wintertime. It's towards the higher Catskills and home to our big-gun ski areas, such as Hunter, Belleayre, Windham and the former High Mount. The Rondout Reservoir caught our attention for its springtime beauty; it became our first stop for photos. We noticed a lot of pointing, oohing and aahing..... AN EAGLE'S NEST, with residents! In keeping with tradition, I began a conversation with an obvious bird-watching fanatic (that's a compliment, Charlie, if you're reading!). Charlie happily educated us about the nest, the two babies, the parents and the habits of the big birds. Seems that Papa was on guard, as Mama had been banded by conversationists, making her more easily identifiable. Oh, and did you know that both genders of bald eagle have the same magnificent coloring, starting at the age of four or five years. The babies stay dark and camouflaged till that age. Mama is the larger of the two. There must have been something prophetic in the HornbyIslandLink I became hooked on, not too long ago. You see, yesterday was the very first time I've witnessed eagles in the wild. I was beyond excited. Just ask Joe.
After about an hour, things were pretty quiet in the tree; so, we left our new friend behind with his 500mm fixed lens, entrusting him to capture "the interesting". He gave us his business card; and we didn't expect to see him again. Ah, but one never knows where intrigue shall lead... please read on in Part II.