Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Yadda, Yadda, Yadda & A Girl Named Sarah

You'd think that by now, I'd remem-
ber not to leave home without it - it being my camera. However, in this morning's rush to get my car to the Saab mechanic, I left it home. In keeping with Murphy's Law, Joe and I experienced a photo-worthy first in having breakfast at the Munson Diner, originally erected in Hell's Kitchen and currently located in Liberty, NY. I've pilfered a pic from the diner's website; I'm sure the owners won't mind the attention. For us, the real significance of this place lies in the fact that a Seinfeld scene from the "Bizzaro World" episode was filmed here, before its move upstate. We are huge fans of Jerry and the gang.

It's never just a meal for us, even at the Munson. I have a strong tendency to, as Joe refers to it, "pick people up," wherever I go. This morning's acquaintance came by way of our lovely waitress, Sarah. This Mom possesses a cheerful outlook beyond words, as she struggles with the issues we all know to come with single-motherhood. We're thinkin' that her kids are pretty lucky, indeed; and we're looking forward to seeing her again, to hear enthusiastic progress reports about her little ones.

We're on the Johnny-come-lately side of this NY TIMES news article, making it a tad dated. Still, the story of the Munson's travels makes for a good read... and, for a good look, here ya go: