Thursday, September 17, 2009

And While I'm On The Subject... Happy New Year

In my previous post, I alluded to my rich heritage; and that it is. My parents handled the confusion of it all rather well (smiling here), as they worked out the man-made issues created for them. When I was very young, my Dad introduced me to "The Jazz Singer"... the early, Al Jolson version. It helped him to explain a bit of what he and my Mom had gone through, just to be life partners. I had a tremendous thirst for knowledge, via his stories. When art imitates life.... well, we identify.

Odd that my favorite performer starred in a remake of that movie; sadly, after my Dad had died. He would have loved the movie, with Sir Laurence Olivier as the father and ND as the troubled son who was in love with a Christian. I'm confident, too, that he would have adored Neil's version of the heart-wrenching "Kol Nidre". If ND wasn't a rock star, he could have been a cantor. My "Jewish half" always honors Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur; it's a good practice, I think, to assess one's actions before setting on a new and improved path for the year... whenever your calendar begins. More importantly, it makes me feel so close to my Dad.