Friday, July 23, 2010

Green Season

It is pouring rain outside; but not to worry, 'cause today is a big cooking day here on Stacey Drive. A wicked pasta primavera salad is already garnished and in the fridge; ribs are pre-cooking in the oven; chicken is coated and ready to go; steaks are marinating in balsamic; potatoes are pre-steamed for the grill; Kelly is bringing a Big Salad (Elaine-Seinfeld); Dawn is surprising us with something; a huge ice cream cake is awaiting a double dose of birthday candles; summer fruit is filling bowls, all over the place; Joe will buy fresh corn in the morning; and I couldn't resist these...

Ah, yes, there is great wealth in Green Season, in more ways than one.

Wishing for sunshine, tomorrow!
Buon Appetito.