Saturday, July 10, 2010


Decided to read a little Leo this mornin', and I was reminded of an intended post about H's visit, a couple weeks back.

"It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them." Leo Buscaglia 

It was early morning, G'pa had gone to work; our Little Man and I hit the Great Outdoors. We needed to enhance driveway bike-riding a tad; so......

G'ma (that's me) finger-crocheted a rope, using fine jute; my Gran taught me that nifty little trick. Together, H and I attached my little garden cart to the bike. Inside we went to find my "special" eBayin' magnifying glass and a pad for jotting down important notes. Mambo was hired as an assistant detective. What was to be discovered?

Treasures exist in leaf fragments and moth wings... and a child's imagination. 

Written with love.