Thursday, July 8, 2010

Penance - An Anecdote

Ah, doing penance... reconciling with my house, after a week of promises that "I'll be back soon to return your luster." I began bright and early, as the sun rose on yet another hot and steamy day... a tad cooler at "only" 90 degrees, but cut-it-with-a-knife humidity on the rise. 

It is said that dogs will want to play, even in the hottest weather. A human must make them stop, before the heat takes its toll. Not so, my pooches. They were contented to nap on luxury doggie beds all morning and into the afternoon, watching me scurry about. Never once did they ask to go out or offer to help; sigh. When I found myself somewhat finished with drudgery, I was desirous of a swim. Neither pooch would budge to come outdoors with me. I felt short-lived mercy for them. After a quick dip, I knew laps were in order. Looking back...

About twenty-five years ago, as I came up for air during laps, I was startled by my neighbor's son; he was watching and waiting for me to be done. I screamed bloody murder and probably lost ten years off my life. From then on, a canine buddy has had to serve as a life-guarding alarm. Today...

Into the house went I, demanding that the younger, hardier brother, Mambo, come do penance. He served me well; I swam a half mile. I feel good. Ike hasn't budged. My house is glowing. It's hot and steamy outside. Mambo is back on his pillow.