Friday, May 15, 2015

So, Am I A Geek?

This is an FYI post. Perhaps it will have helping powers, if ever Friends of CMI find themselves in a similar situation. It all began on Wednesday…

Joe lugged the printer to the LakeHouse. The Epson had wirelessly connected to my MacBook with no issues, at the Old Homestead. In went our SSID and password from the newly created connection here on Golden Pond. Nada. Again. Nada. Again. Nada. On Thursday...

After Mambo's grooming session, I called Time Warner. An hour was literally wasted away...

"But it WAS working on our old connection," said I, "so mustn't it be a modem issue?"

"Well," said he, "it would seem that way, but there is simply nothing else I can try at my end. Sorry, but you'll have to call Epson." 

Couldn't bear the thought of calling yet another tech. Instead, I went through each troubleshooting step found in the manual. In went the SSID. In went the password. Nada. Now, it's Friday…

Brainstorm! I to retrieved the printer's installation disc. Maybe Mac was confused? I uninstalled printer and  software. A fresh start. An updated installation with the disc... another entry of those network ingredients… and then… and then… 

Noisy old Epson never sounded so good… and I'm as proud as a geeky peacock for solving the problem, even if it did take three days...