Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Special Kodak Moment ♡

Hunter Captured His New Minne Find
Hunter clearly possesses an eye for photography... and at only six years old. I've often thought to buy him his own "real" camera; but this new little tradition of ours is much more fun. About an hour into each of our visits, at just about the time I start shooting, he'll ask if I remembered to bring "his" camera. He'll shoot about twenty or thirty very interesting shots, sometimes asking us to pose for him. His results are terrific and inspirational, too, in the infectious glee they impart.
"Smile, G'ma!"
Last Saturday, he ran across the field to excitedly tell me, "G'ma, I just have to show you this special place. You'll LOVE it!" Off we went, hand in hand, each with our camera in tow. You know, I've got happy chills running through me, as I again feel that moment.
"You too, Sunshine!"
We sat on the rocks in a place I had really never seen before at Minne, and we chatted and laughed throughout our photo shoot.