Monday, February 9, 2015

Better Beach Bead Bracelet by Moi

My first attempt at this bracelet was okay, but all wrong at the same time. My connections were too large and caused the inability to use the five gorgeous glass beads that are supposed to be included in the design. Additionally, my curls and swirls were gnarly and not so hot. Here's my second effort, using teal glass. Can you sense the preening of proverbial feathers? This one makes me happy.

As for the original blackie, it has been disassembled. Ah, the nice thing about this hobby is the ability to reuse components. Kind of reminds me of the time I'd worked three-quarters of the way through a knitted coat sweater. Decided it wasn't perfect enough and ripped the whole thing out, much to my Mom's disbelief and chagrin. I think it's my self-diagnosed OCD, in such cases.

Another bitterly cold and snowy Tundra Day, here at the Old Homestead. I'll be warming up with more beach beads. They own me… hook, line and sinker… yet another intentionally warm, watery visual.