Our flowers are looking gorgeous, I must say. But our elephant ear plant is nothing short of spectacular… and it's only just beginning! This year's was started from a ginormous bulb and took a while to start. For Zu, who misses her Bermuda variety…
While I'm on the topic, check out Mom's hydrangea, perfectly complemented by Dad's autumn joy, in the background…
And not to forget our amazing hibiscus that continues to thrill. Now, it's doing double duty. You see, after the kids left, I missed aquarium-watching. Sooooo, Joe fetched five more tadpoles and I built my own little tank. What's perfect for creating shade?? Why a nice, big and colorful tropical flower. Can you see one little guy atop a petal, peering out at my lens?? Not to worry… they were only in the house for a photo shoot… we do not want more escapees around here (post below).
How does your garden grow??