Friday, March 20, 2009

Is It Rhoda Or Rhonda?

My Granddaughter phoned me last evening to say that she was working on another story about Tink (February 28th post, "Tink").  Needless to say, I was thrilled! She was concerned about "messing up some words", and of course I encouraged her to continue without worry.  In a similar fashion, when her color choices differ from those in standard models of people, places or things, I always affirm her efforts. "WE are the artists!", I tell her, explaining that we can perceive things as we choose. I am very clear, though, in pointing out that this approach will not always work with the art teacher in school, where artistic freedom is not always encouraged. She giggles at that thought!! :-)

While working on Tinks of different colors, I decided to add high gloves and tall socks to my Tink-of-the-moment.  My little girl asked, "Why are you giving her gloves and socks, G'ma?"  As I looked up from my creation, there was this pretty, smiling face, beating me to the answer, "I know, G'ma; 'cause WE are the artists!"  We slapped a high-five and had a great chuckle over the light-bulb moment.

These little "artistic" moments always remind me of my dear friend, Rhoda.  If EVER there's a person to think outside of the box, it is Rhoda, referred to in Ma Bell directories as Rhonda. We first met over forty years ago. Rhoda was and still is "an artist"!  Just ask her great-grandchild, "Where do you get your talent from?" and he'll be happy to tell you.

If Rhoda had a function to go to, she'd buy a swath of material in the morning and create some hippie frock by evening.  If Rhoda was tired of the look of a room, she'd choose a wall and paint a mural; and repaint that same wall when she needed to replace Italy with France.  I just love how Rhoda thinks. We later became interested in quilting together. I loved our similar affinity for funky fabrics; just show us some batiks!  And then there are books.  Need a recommendation? She has devoured a few good ones in her day.

Soon, she'll return from her second home to the mountains she loves so dearly.  We'll share a light lunch and heavy conversation; and we'll always be thinking that butterflies are free!