The more I learn, the more I worry. Consider garden critters I've recently photographed and shared, here on CMI: the hummingbird, dragonfly, praying mantis, hawk and feral cat. Sure, they're all stand-alone adorable. But did you know that the latter four (link) threaten the first cutie pie who dines al fresco with us on a daily basis?! Furthermore, Joe, NIK and I are hummingbird-obsessed. Seriously. We think our visitors are watching for us, too. No sooner do we take our places-with-a-view at the picnic table when...
...they appear, flitting about the yard from Rose Of Sharon to Impatiens to feeder to Mandevilla. Coincidence? We prefer to think not, especially when they hover nearby and gawk at us. Hey, it's equal opportunity entertainment and who says one can't commune with nature. Here's to a new sunrise in Jungle Habitat.