Thursday, October 3, 2013

Giving Thanks

Bri will correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he's been in Washington since we were last there as a family, about twenty-five years ago. That is, till yesterday and today.  

There on business, he was IN the Capitol, as the shooting and lockdown occurred, a few hours ago. He'd just moments earlier sent Kelly a photo that depicted a gorgeous day and a calm Capitol... eerily calm, due to current events.

My heart stopped, when I heard the news. Thank G-d for cellphones and instantaneous messages of safety. Man, it was extra special to hear his voice.

Thankfully, there was a quick solution to this seemingly random incident, executed by a woman who was then executed by police.

Giving thanks for the safekeeping of my precious Son and all others.
Praying for better, safer times for all of us.