Joe arrived at the LakeHouse a couple hours after moi, bringing a sushi lunch and gorgeous flowers. What a way to start our busy afternoon. Thanks, Honey. You made my day.
We finished the headboard and hung it, after working on the massive kitchen island that has definitely passed the "Million-Uses Test." What do you think? We are SO thrilled. If you're interested, please find simple directions that make this project doable and fun at this link.
And guess what? I scored another favorite piece of Glidden, circa the 1950s. To be honest, it's hard to believe there was another of my favorite mixing/salad/everything bowl to be had - and in a color so well suited to waterside living. Do you remember the yellow one, featured in past posts??
Another discovery! After capturing yet another gorgeous sunset, I sat on the big, comfy sofa, facing the wall and the photos of the GrandLoves. Lo and behold, there was the Great Outdoors reflecting back at me. Oh, my - what a stunner.