Monday, May 4, 2015

Mouths of Babes - Gavin

The Thinker
Gavin is the most devilish of the GrandLoves… and… a very important "and"… the most tender. He's always (a) lookin' for mischief or (b) putting his arm around me, hugging and back-rubbing. How cute IS that??!! He's also always thinking and absorbing, with a memory like the proverbial elephant.
On with the anecdote...

As many kids as could fit wanted to ride with us from church to house, on Saturday. They ended up being Gav, Hunter and Chloe. The kids are curious about the LakeHouse, so I told Hunter and Chloe (Gav already knew) that we'd gotten cable TV and Internet… two things they were sorely missing.
I gave them the thumbs-up; they were thrilled…

With that, Gavin commented:

"You're a rad Grandma!"

I'm RAD! Do you KNOW how cool that is??? :-)