Upon spotting the first gorgeous tulip of the season, NIK and I hit the garden for this capture. Couldn't help but notice the beautiful jellicle cat, sitting in our backyard between double fences, just watching and waiting…
He or she has been around forever, formerly featured in front of the house while lounging on portico chairs. Hmmm… this is different. When I walked around the pool fence to shoot an unobstructed photo, Jelly just hunkered down and stared, all white fur disappearing to create a well camouflaged cat. No fear here. Hope our feathered friends are aware...
Meanwhile, robins are trying yet again to nest on top of our huge, all-season portico wreath, in the front of the house. Of course, they spooked when I arrived, but I just had to ask Joe to come outside and witness a big change in the old, old nest…
Look hard. It's now a two-story. Can you see the difference in building and weaving techniques? Well, we're wishing the parents-to-be success. If Jelly doesn't find them, our resident red hawk might. It's not easy beating the odds from that coveted spot.
"And the wheels, they go 'round and 'round and 'round…"
'Tis a new season with repeat anecdotes about tulips, jellicles and robins…
they never get old…
Don't you just love this season of rebirth?!