Do y'all recognize this incredible nest of the Rondout Reservoir in Grahamsville? We've spent many hours enjoying the roadside view, comparable to none. If you look back at this post, you'll notice the huge expansion of the eagles' dwelling. Joe's theory is that it needed repair work after the exceptionally high winds we experienced, this past winter. Maybe. Or maybe they're considering condo living?? We'll never know for sure. But we're here to tell you that the magnificence of this view never ceases to amaze.
When we first arrived, there was an adult sitting in the nest. We captured it and then went exploring on the nearby Glade Hill Road. After enjoying the sky-high view, we returned for more eagle watching. Nothing appeared to be on the nest; but then… but then…
We witnessed and captured the return of an adult. After a beautiful landing, it perched quite close to the nest. Lo and behold…
A fledgling stuck its long neck out, seemingly looking at its parent. Look closely to see the white patch hidden behind green and above the quite visible bambino. Soon after…
Big Bird returned to its perch to guard its young.
Haven't been there yet? Worth the trip from anywhere… for sure.
Giving Thanks.
Giving Thanks.