Thursday, August 4, 2016

Gram, Gramps 'n' our Gavin Shadow

Ah, one of my favorite topics concerns just what comes out of the mouths of babes, bringing me to Wednesday night's call from Gavin:

"G'ma, can I come over tomorrow? I need a day off from camp."

"Of course, Honey. It promises to be a gorgeous day; we'll have fun."

"Thank you. I'll bring my new Monopoly game, so that we can play."
A plan was hatched for yesterday. And we did have fun. As soon as Bri left, out came the new version of the game. TOTALLY fun! And fast. And winnable. Or lose-able, as was the case for moi in two games. This kid understands strategy:

"G'ma, you know you could have saved that card for later use. That's how I won the last game."

Oooh-kay, time to hit the great outdoors and check out the punkin' patch, where our fascination was captured by Joe...
"G'ma, let's take a picture of our shadows. You don't have to smile in shadow pictures or ski helmet/goggle pictures."
What a great vantage point for an 11-year-old to take a photo of his own, showing just how beautiful the water is on a brilliant day...
Time to board, swim, kayak and fish...
Wonder of wonders! Golden Pond gave up one of its prized possessions; this after a catch-less summer.
But the men gifted the scaled one back to its environment, paying it forward. After all, it's truly about the catch and not the keeping.
Precious boy. Affectionate beyond words. Literally. While there ARE many words…

"I love you, G'ma…."

…there are also countless hugs and kisses. What an uplifting day. Giving thanks.


Ahem. You might have noticed that I'm quickly becoming the shortest member of the family. Gav has me by an inch, now. And don't for one minute think that he's not measuring and reminding. I need higher heels and a fluffier hairdo. :-)