Friday, April 3, 2009

Danger - Bears Part II

Sightings have become more frequent for multiple reasons, not the least of which is a neighbor who has a penchant for feeding wildlife. It is said that "good fences make good neighbors", and this is true.  Rather than battle with the otherwise very nice neighbors, we fenced in a large part of our property in the back of our home.  

On one hot summer day last year, I left my Mom and two of our grandkids on the back patio, as I went inside for art supplies. My husband had just gone to buy some extra paint brushes for the boulder-painting event of the afternoon.  As I walked through our foyer, I caught a glimpse of something moving in our front yard.  I quickly grabbed the camera and called the kids and Great G'ma in to share this sighting, leaving our dogs well fenced-in. Photo was shot from our front portico, about ten or fifteen feet from Blackie.

Again, it's exciting to see...and this guy was a young 'un, too; unlike the adult bear running through our yard about a month later.  Not to be treated lightly...danger DOES lurk in coexistence with wildlife.  The article linked below will shock one back into reality.  The neighbor mentioned in my previous post was so right: