Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hellfire 'n' Damnation... The Cheesecake Cracked!

Yep, the cheesecake really cracked, this time! If you saw (link) the recipe here on CMI back in 2011, you'll remember the issue. Some things simply never change. Yeah, yeah, I revamped and revised a tad, but did not submit the dessert to a water bath. I simply do not like the way the crust comes, when baking in that manner. Then...

At Bri/Kell's Eve-Eve party, Joe and I spent a lengthy period of time discussing similar recipes and foolproof means of baking. Loved the conversation with Brian and Wanda M... they are a riot, those two. We deem them a "Cute Couple". I digress. My Cake #1 was already in the freezer, covered with a disguise of (link) strawberry sauce and ready to go to Christian/Dawn's for the Day. 

Wow, it was delicious... the perfect topper to C's beyond-perfect prime rib roast and trimmings. And then it happened... the mother crack of them all... I dropped the cake in removing it from the table. Smashed to oblivion, all over the pretty dining room carpet. Ouch, that hurt... me and the rug. What to do?

I baked another. It cracked, too, regardless of the even-lower oven temps. More strawberry sauce. Ask me if I care...

Julia would be proud of my never apologizing for a crater or two. Hey, the delicious fruit seeps right into them. After we taste-tested to deem it creamy and delicious, I sliced into individual servings and froze. We're ready to go in a reasonable amount of thawing time. Next to fresh mozzarella, this has to be the best calorie splurge ev-ah!

Bon Appétit!