There's nothing like a snow day for capturing the essence of childhood. Enter my pal, (link) Auntie Peaches, who possesses such an enormous sense of fun. What a delightful inspiration, living in a world that explodes with color. We are of like mind in the secure knowledge that there are always crafty components lying around to be worked into stormy-day brighteners. When the boys were little, I kept a huge kitchen drawer for the sole purpose of collecting artsy junk. It still reigns supreme, now occupied to supply GrandLoves.
I digress...
I digress...
Just the other day, Auntie's confetti mirror caught my eye; I immediately thought, " Aubs and beads!" and silently requested a snow day from the powers that be.
Voilà... they heard me!
We made a respectable mess with paint, glue and beads, yesterday, loving the results. We used simple frame-style card stock. Elmer's was tinted with Aubrey's choice of blue acrylic paint.
We were done in time for some serious sledding, with Gramps at the helm (finally finished with caring for valuable customers). Even Mambo had a blast. For me, a fabulous photo shoot ensued... ask how many pictures I shot. There is nothing like a snowy backdrop to enhance huge smiles framed in colorful skiwear. Well, except maybe for the deep blue ocean...perhaps a prophetic color choice... is it nearly beach time? :-)
Now to choose the perfect photos for the pretty frames... stay tuned.