Friday, December 13, 2013

Why was Joe washing windows in 18-degree weather? Well, I'll tell ya...


The other morning, Joe was watching "his" birds… you know, the ones he so diligently fills three feeders for the minute they are low in seed. All of a sudden, he furiously exclaimed…

"I can't believe it! A **%%$$##** hawk just swooped down and ate one of our birds. I can't BELIEVE it!"

This is a child-friendly blog, so I can't tell you EXACTLY what else Joe said, after we'd just recently mentioned how we'd not seen the resident raptor in a long while. We thought it had moved onbringing me to yesterday...

Twice, I heard loud crashes on the back picture window. First time, I saw nothing. Second time, the window was full of guts and feathers. There on the ground was the culprit, enjoying his meal, with another small bird nearby - stunned, I assume, from his saving crash into glass bringing me to window-washing…

Joe was so upset upon returning from work. It was nearly dark and bitter cold outside, but he insisted on getting out the ladder and Windex. I apologize for the fuzzy phone photo, taken… well, you know… through glass and when it was nearly dark… bringing me to…

A serious disenchantment with a raptor's place in the food chain.

Buon Appetito??? 
(Sorry, but I just couldn't resist a little attempt at warped humor.)