Monday, May 3, 2010

Hey, Big Spender...

This (link) article appeals to me, especially in light of a related conversation recently shared with my brother. Many recession-forced ways of pinching pennies have become natural keepers, in changing one's lifestyle for the better, I think. If nothing else, the downturn in the economy has certainly highlighted the excess many of us had taken for granted and become accustomed to.

During the period of constantly wondering, "What life's all about," post-9/11, I found myself in Minimalist Mode, anyway, wanting to keep only items I actually used (in my home) or wore (in my closet). The over-accumulation of nonsensical stuff began to annoy me; and my eBay sales at that time reflected my serious intent, as I downsized the mother lode. No sooner did I get a little practice under my belt, when along came the Big R. Check out this excerpt from the linked article to see what you think:

"Yet many who became penny-pinchers during the recession are in no mood to start shopping again with abandon for clothes, cars and home additions. They've discovered the peace of mind that comes with rebuilding savings, shopping more prudently and learning to live with less."

Interesting; and speaking for myself, I plan to hang on to modified ways.