Sunday, August 8, 2010

Forty! Happy Birthday, Bri! ♡

In putting together this little collage for Brian's birthday soirée, it was a perfect opportunity to reflect on all the amazing times we've had as a family, as well as the many varied and successful ventures of our forty-year-old.

Some pictures are blurry, such as this one...
...but that long ago day is as clear in my mind, as though its feeling was imparted yesterday. It was exciting and intimidating, all at the same time, to experience the straw market in Jamaica, for the very first time. We were being verbally pulled in so many different directions. This lady wooed us into her cubicle, not pushing her merchandise, but rather by telling us that in her country, the gift of one son was considered to be an honor from the Gods ... how doubly blessed were we to have been gifted two sons. Not news to us, that's for sure... but such a joyful declaration served to endear her to us. Just for the record, the bamboo drum in Christian's hands is being played to this day by our four Baby Grands. Time does march quickly to the rhythm of its own beat.

In wishing our beautiful Sun-Son a very special 
August 8th, we thank him for the blur of forty years that has given us forty gazillion vivid and happy memories... here's to the making of forty gazillion more...

We love you so much, Honey.