Thursday, January 19, 2012

Idle IDOL Blurb

Yep, it's another season. Are you ready to endure Joe's and my reversion to teenage-dom? I hope so, 'cause sixteen is sounding mighty pretty, this mid-January, and we're yearnin' for a new idol. I was not a happy camper, with last year's winner. Sorry, Scotty. However...

Opening night? Phillip Phillips. No joke, that is his name. It's one to remember. A dynamite performer and guitar player supreme. And with the mere mention of my favorite instrument, I segue to the fact that...

Hunter took his very first Suzuki guitar lesson, this past weekend. Ask how excited we are to have our future Idol-on-the-rise. 
"So, so what... I am a rock star... I've got my rock moves..." Pink