Saturday, September 1, 2012

Blue Moon Risin' Over Cape Cod

We are so blessed to have this incredible extension of summer, here on Cape Cod. What better way to welcome September with a smile, rather than a frown?! 

Another gorgeous day on Marconi afforded us quite the side show, even though the surfing students didn't experience particularly great waves, yesterday. Still, they put their hearts and souls into grand efforts. I spent some time speaking with a genuine surfer dudette. She's been teaching young kids on the Cape, sharing her deep-rooted passion for the sport. When warmth wanes here, she's off to Peru, where she'll pursue ginormous crests. I admire her pure passion for something that can be so dangerous. "Yes," she answered to my question about encountering a fin here and there, "but I was never threatened and we try not to talk about that." Breaking her own rule, she told me, " more great whites were tagged in Cape waters," the previous day. In addition, a newlywed told us that during her honeymoon in Bora Bora, the Cape's shark news was being discussed. Such notoriety...

During our beach hike, Joe found a broken bottle with a collapsed balloon, cross and message attached. So sad, but also so incredible to recognize yet another way someone had found comfort in the sea. Our moods were already tinged with sadness by an event occurring at home. And so, we prayed just a little harder for Rob Van Etten and his family, including young Angel in our thoughts. 

We watched the tide go way, way out, before trekking back to our cottage, where we experienced the Blue Moon rising. It will be 2015, before this amazing event reoccurs. By moonlight, we enjoyed grilled porterhouse steaks. We collapsed into bed at nine and slept for nine hours! Now, we're up and at 'em and rarin' to go.