Monday, September 17, 2012

Grow It, Throw It, Stow It

Grow It:
There is something invigorating about cleaning out garden beds in the Spring, readying them for the return of perennials and/or fresh plantings. I can work all day long and well into evening, excited for the next session of digging in dirt. The rewards of a long, hot Summer such as the one past are brilliant.

Throw It:
But Fall? Ugh. Somehow trimming stalky leaves back and removing annuals, as they finish their runs, just doesn't cut it. It's exhausting to fill wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow, full of garden contents to be tossed in the woods or on the mulch pile.

Stow It:
Just as I threaten to quit gardening and put my efforts elsewhere, there it is - the harvest. I'm not talkin' veggies, here; but how rich I feel to display dried Silver Dollars and multicolored Hydrangea blooms.