Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Everything's A Trade-off

Over The Mountain - 5:15 a.m. Today
Cardinals are noisy insomniacs. Kelly had me laughing, recently, as we discussed this fact. She does an amazing recreation of their morning call. Listen. You'll hear them as early as 4:30 a.m., just as the Spring sun is preparing to peek over the horizon... or, in our case, the mountaintops. I can relate to them. The first glimmer of light suggests a new day - even the tiniest beam that shines through the minimal gap in the room-darkening blinds. Ah, it's an internal clock. Ya think? I digress.

We stop feeding them right before mating season. It's a message to all seed-gobblers who frequent our yard for three seasons. Nature provides; they don't need us for a few months. And since they tend to nest near a food source, this suggests a change of venue for summer months. The birdsongs are still audible, albeit from a distance. Brilliant reds can still be spotted in the foliage. 
And so it goes and so it goes...

A sanctuary safe and strong... then provided for the hummers. Listen. You'll hear them, too, unless you're Joe, who sadly misses a lot of secondary noises in this busy old world. A trade-off. But a satisfying one. They pretend to be shy for a few weeks. Then, dinnertime becomes a family affair, as they swarm around us to bounce from feeder to feeder. We all love the cocoon of the forest...

Except for missing sunrise, now barely visible over that mountaintop. If someone asked what color would represent Old Sol, what would you say? It's nearly always depicted as yellow, right? Ah, but what about the orange of sunrise and set. So exquisite. Nature's palette creating magic, once again. Another trade-off, from naked woods to those so overdressed as to block the display of color from the next mountain range. But I'll keep both versions. The change of season can be exciting. There's a capacity to love it all.

And so it goes and so it goes...
Is there an analogy to be made here? Interpret as you wish, but I just have to listen to Billy - right now
Sorry, Neil; but hey, everything's a trade-off and the truth is,
I love it all.
In every there is  a  room...