This morning, I missed our resident doe by seconds. Thing is, the twin fawns were by her side, as they left their woodsy bedroom to cross our peninsula and head towards feeding grounds. Pity. The babies heard our door open and bolted beyond Momma in a Kodak moment lost. C'est la vie. Still, I took my garden stroll. It's colorful around the Old Homestead. Gorgeous. Meanwhile, satisfying projects continue at the LakeHouse, in between pleasurable moments depicting just why we're doing all this.
Last Friday, I painted shutters bright red and Joe hung them. He's still working on the second dresser, so that I can keep my brush-in-hand streak going. The wood seems to be shrinking again, but shall need sanding and possibly planing to make drawers work.
This week should be exciting, as we graduate from baby steps to a deck remodel. A couple door replacements have arrived at Home Depot, as well. Let's see if our crews show.