Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Hack This and Not That

Clearly, "hack" has a negative connotation for most of us. 'Tis the dreaded season of being more aware than ever, as we shop online or hand credit card information to perfect strangers. But then, there's the Urban Dictionary. Who knew hacking could be so helpful? Not familiar? Go see for yourselves; but if you browse, please don't hold me accountable for some of the less-useful-but-more-shocking words and phrases seemingly lacking from Webster's. On to those helpful hints:

Don't we all need edible shot glasses for our Bailey's?
Actually, Bailey's is not a player in my life. Marshmallows are simply for consuming, sans liquid. Ah, the perfect hit of pure, energizing sugar and irresistible when toasted… so, I perused the site for more applicable suggestions. This one sounds useful:
Need a few more? You'll find them here. 

All photos in this post are screen captures from sites mentioned. I know, I know… I need to find NIK and get more creative.

Happy Tuesday.