Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Watch Your Wallets!

'Tis the season. Yep. Time for scams and new episodes. Joe experienced a three-fer, yesterday:

Macy's: He thought to buy some pajamas for me. Interestingly, I had purchased some online at Macy's, the night before. Didn't mention that to him. We just think alike, I guess. Back to his tale of woe. Everything was reduced, but when he checked out, full prices appeared on the register. "Oh," said the salesperson, "these are marked down for tomorrow's sale."  Joe told her to void the sale. Needless to say, he got sale prices.
McDonald's: We gifted Aubs and Gav $15 gift cards, when they came trick-or-treating. Joe got his charge card bill, yesterday; it included separate charges of $30 and $20 for good old Mickey D's. Off to the local hotspot went he, where they returned the overcharge of $20. Mistake? You decide.
Time Warner: Y'all might recall last July's fiasco. No? Here ya go. It's all worked out just fine, with On Demand and Netflix filling in where HBO and Showtime used to be. That is, till "Homeland" started. My danged cousin kept tweeting about how amazing each episode has been, with Carrie and Saul reunited and conquering terror with terror of their own. Will Nicolas Brody return from the dead? We have to know... we just had to get limited cable back…

Sooooo, Joe called with the intention of a partial renewal. But when he compared Direct TV prices, he saw that we could have everything for the same reduced price assumed last summer. Our provider reacted with a matched-price deal. We're back to a Showtime, HBO and scores of other channels to surf. Problem is…

WHY did we suffer inflation for so long? How many people don't know what a down-and-out SCAM they're victims of? What is the NAME of this GAME??
Hey, it's not paranoia when it's based on fact…

Watch your wallets! And watch tortured Carrie.