Thursday, June 16, 2016


Ask an American to name his or her first thought at the mention of Orlando. Most likely it will be Disneyworld. The Cinderella Castle. Something fun. That was before this week, when triple tragedy struck. 

We mourn for "The Voice" singer we watched and her family, friends and fans. We mourn for the forty-nine killed. We mourn for their families and friends, all left behind to figure out the "hows" and "whys." We mourn for the little boy dragged into a lagoon by a beast that didn't belong near human territory. Thing is, the beast was home. Why were there no warning signs of the pending danger? Over the short bridge in SC where we watch gators, there must be a dozen signs. We mourn for his stunned family. 

It is just all too much to process.

For starters, I HATE GUNS. Imagine that the club attack was considered for this place…
Safety exists no longer, not even in Fantasyland.

We mourn.