Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy 6th To Our Gavin ♥

Gavin is six...WOW! After singing to him this morning, I asked how old he is, saying, "You must be 29, 'cause you're so smart." Answered our little whiz kid with that don't-be-silly tone, "G'ma, from 5 to 29?" I'm still chuckling. Our little boy is always thinking and sometimes conniving , as he works towards his personal goal of mastering everything in his world. Only in kindergarten and reading at second-grade level, he's also extremely technologically and mechanically inclined... a boy of many hats, like his Daddy. Though he might ask a question or two, he's already quietly observed the execution of most tasks, preferring to figure things out for himself. It's amazing to observe... and it boils down to his wanting to know just what makes everyone and everything tick. A smart and adorable cookie, who doesn't particularly care for cookies... just give him yogurt and soy milk... quick and easy, to be devoured on the run. "The run to where?" you ask. Why, to the next activity... biking, reading, Wii, skiing, soccer, running, computer games, puzzles, swimming... mischief... you've got the gist!

Evening Addition -
Hugs Accomplished xo
Can't wait to give special hugs over pizza and cupcakes tonight, 'cause G'pa and I love you sooooooo much, my Little Chickadee. How much?
You know