Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm Surprised Meatloaf

Normally, I mix a meatloaf by hand, giving it a grainier texture. Tonight's was more of a pâté. As for ingredients, one just never knows what I'll include. Smile. My goal is to incorporate as much nutrition as possible into each bite. This lazy concoction, tossed into the Cuisinart, turned out amazingly delicious; Joe commented twice. Little did he know that its "special" ingredient was tofu - something he wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole, in its natural state. If I had spinach on hand, that would have enhanced it further.

In the order listed, process the following ingredients in your Cuisinart:

1 pared, chunked carrot - give it a few solo whirls
1 slice bread or 1/2 hard roll
1/2 bar (6 oz.) tofu
1 egg
2 T. catsup
freshly ground pepper
garlic powder to taste
1 lb. lean ground beef or turkey/or a mix of both
parsley - dried or fresh

Shape into greased baking dish and scatter onion slices around meat; sprinkle the entire shebang with more pepper, garlic Powder and some paprika for color. Spray with EVOO. Bake at 350 degrees for about 50 minutes.
Ready For The Oven
To Note: Any mix such as this can also be pre-baked as meatballs and then tossed into sauce to finish cooking.
Buon Appetito