When I wrote A World Gone Busy in April of 2011, I had not read this NY TIMES article, published just prior. Honestly. It took me till last week to come across it in a Google search worded, Is a phone call intrusive? Try the same. You might be surprised by results. Little did I realize that Miss Manners' tutelage is required. So before I continue, I'd like to offer…
Sincere apologies to those I've intruded upon.
Not to worry, though, 'cause walls are up and precious time is rarely sacrificed. An immediate voicemail might arrive via a cell phone that I just spoke into:
"Sorry, I was too busy to answer," says the recipient of rudeness.
"Oh, that's okay; another time," I respond.
You'll be happy to know bad behavior is limited to just one try, as I envision the callee glancing at caller ID and thinking, "Screw her!" Shallow one-liners might ensue for months, via text or social media (anti-social media???), till I've surely forgotten why I called in the first place. With amusement I remember:
Sharing a simple rotary phone with Gran, allowed in our bedroom when I turned sixteen.
I miss Gran.
The fancy-schmancy phone Mom had on her night table, circa 1970 or so, like the one pictured above.
I miss Mom.
The phone Neighbor Milt gifted us upon becoming frustrated when our cable connection would go out. His model, circa the late 90's, bypassed Time-Warner and gave him a sense of security. We were reachable. By phone.
I miss Milt.
But do I miss those olden, golden phone days?? Well, I didn't think so, 'cause now I have trusty iPhone to rely upon when I crave the sound of a beloved voice. Ah, WRONG! Modern manners dictate a brief text and not a chime or ring or vibration or song.
Who knew?
"RIP, Ma Bell."
Sincere apologies to those I've intruded upon.
Not to worry, though, 'cause walls are up and precious time is rarely sacrificed. An immediate voicemail might arrive via a cell phone that I just spoke into:
"Sorry, I was too busy to answer," says the recipient of rudeness.
"Oh, that's okay; another time," I respond.
Sharing a simple rotary phone with Gran, allowed in our bedroom when I turned sixteen.
I miss Gran.
The fancy-schmancy phone Mom had on her night table, circa 1970 or so, like the one pictured above.
I miss Mom.
The phone Neighbor Milt gifted us upon becoming frustrated when our cable connection would go out. His model, circa the late 90's, bypassed Time-Warner and gave him a sense of security. We were reachable. By phone.
I miss Milt.
But do I miss those olden, golden phone days?? Well, I didn't think so, 'cause now I have trusty iPhone to rely upon when I crave the sound of a beloved voice. Ah, WRONG! Modern manners dictate a brief text and not a chime or ring or vibration or song.
Who knew?
"RIP, Ma Bell."