Wednesday, March 19, 2014

How Dare You?

When I wrote A World Gone Busy in April of 2011, I had not read this NY TIMES article, published just prior. Honestly. It took me till last week to come across it in a Google search worded, Is a phone call intrusive? Try the same. You might be surprised by results. Little did I realize that Miss Manners' tutelage is required. So before I continue, I'd like to offer…

Sincere apologies to those I've intruded upon.

Not to worry, though, 'cause walls are up and precious time is rarely sacrificed. An immediate voicemail might arrive via a cell phone that I just spoke into:

"Sorry, I was too busy to answer," says the recipient of rudeness.

"Oh, that's okay; another time," I respond.

You'll be happy to know bad behavior is limited to just one try, as I envision the callee glancing at caller ID and thinking, "Screw her!" Shallow one-liners might ensue for months, via text or social media (anti-social media???), till I've surely forgotten why I called in the first place. With amusement I remember: 

Sharing a simple rotary phone with Gran, allowed in our bedroom when I turned sixteen.
I miss Gran.

The fancy-schmancy phone Mom had on her night table, circa 1970 or so, like the one pictured above.
I miss Mom.

The phone Neighbor Milt gifted us upon becoming frustrated when our cable connection would go out. His model, circa the late 90's, bypassed Time-Warner and gave him a sense of security. We were reachable. By phone.
I miss Milt.

But do I miss those olden, golden phone days?? Well, I didn't think so, 'cause now I have trusty iPhone to rely upon when I crave the sound of a beloved voice. Ah, WRONG! Modern manners dictate a brief text and not a chime or ring or vibration or song.
Who knew?

"RIP, Ma Bell."